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Relax and Rejuvenate with Myofascial Release in Auckland

Welcome to Dean Wickenden Acupuncture & Yoga in Auckland!
Are you looking for an expert in myofascial release? Look no further than Dean Wickenden. With years of experience and a unique approach to treatment, Dean is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness.
Located in the heart of Albany, North Shore Auckland, Dean Wickenden Acupuncture & Yoga offers a peaceful and calming environment for you to relax and rejuvenate. Whether you’re looking for relief from pain or simply want to improve your overall wellbeing, Dean can create a customized treatment plan that may incorporate the latest techniques in myofascial release, Traditional Chinese medicine, and yoga.
Don’t let pain or stress control your life any longer. Book your appointment online today and experience the many benefits of myofascial release with Dean Wickenden.

Book Online Today and start your journey towards improved health and wellness!

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What is fascia?

Fascia is dubbed the largest organ in the body, connecting every part of the body by wrapping and penetrating all muscles and organs. Fascia is predominantly made from collagen and elastin, and you may have seen fascia as it is the thin white film that wraps around meat.

The physical benefits of myofascial release

One of the most life-changing effects of myofascial release is pain relief. And can help any type of pain including, back problems, neck and shoulder injuries, joint disorders, bad posture, headaches and migraines. Myofascial release is also very beneficial for injury prevention and treatment, whether you are a high-performance athlete or someone who wants to be able to perform day to day activities pain-free.

What is Myofascial release?

Performed using no oil, myofascial release needs friction between the hand of the practitioner and skin of the client. The practitioner must also have developed a high sensitivity, to gently sink their hand onto the body with the correct amount of pressure to connect with the fascia. Once connected, the practitioner will stretch the fascia using various hand techniques to release the adhesions and blockages. This is the typical style of myofascial release, although there are many methods to release the fascia in the Chinese medicine system.

The mental benefits of myofascial release

As well as being fantastic for your body, myofascial release can also have a dramatic effect on the mind and your emotions. When the fascia is restricted, it often constricts breathing, causing breath to become shallow and fast, which can contribute to stress, anxiety and depression. By releasing the fascia the body becomes relaxed and breathing becomes more complete, slow and deep, consequently having a profound effect on the entire nervous system.

Fascia and Chinese medicine

The importance of fascia and myofascial release is relatively new in western society. Until recently, fascia was thought of as a dense connective tissue that did not have much of a function. But in Chinese medicine, the importance of fascia and various techniques to release the fascia such as fascial massage, tuina, cupping, acupuncture, qi gong, taichi and yoga has existed for over 2000 years. Additionally in Chinese medicine, the fascia is known as one of the ways qi or energy flows through the body.

Dean is an expert in both the western and Chinese medicine myofascial release style of massage, and is conveniently located in Albany, on Auckland’s North Shore. If you are looking for a way to become pain, and stress free and would like to learn more about fascial release, contact Dean today, or book an appointment online.